This resolution passed unanimously in a democratic party precinct caucus recently. The vote on it at the county caucus is unknown at the present time. An Iowa Democrat requested to use it there. It's for use anywhere and in whatever way furthers the case of Black farmers and others who are in the class of "socially disadvantaged farmers."
Resolution on Behalf of Socially Disadvantaged Farmers
Whereas the CRAT report of USDA secretary in 1997 admits to discrimination of African American farmers; whereas Pigford V. Glickman and Keepseagle v. Veneman have failed in attempts to address grievances against African American and American Indian farmers; whereas the 2007 Farm Bill contains an insufficient sum of dollars to address grievances of Black farmers who were denied admission to the Pigford Consent Decree; and whereas current USDA policy contains too few economic incentives for first time farmers or farmers who wish to re-enter farming who classify as socially disadvantaged farmers (African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian American, women farmers, and others);
Be it resolved: )1) That the Democratic Party of Texas encourage Congress to more sufficiently fund efforts to address injustices done to socially disadvantaged farmers beyond the scope of the 2007 Farm Bill; (2) That the Democratic Party of Texas encourage a greater degree of disclosure within the Office of Civil Rights relative to the successful adjudication of civil rights complaints against socially disadvantaged farmers; (3) That the Democratic Party of Texas encourage the USDA to add significantly to the economic packages that encourage first time farmers or farmers who wish to re-enter farming; and (4) That the Democratic Party of Texas demand that current policies and procedures within the USDA/FSA relative to all programs related to farming be equally applied to all farmers without regard to minority status.